
What is a Designated Safeguarding Officer and why do we have them?

In line with the requirements of the EYFS, the safety and well being of the children in our care is our number 1 priority.  As such, all staff have responsibilities for safeguarding the well being of their key children and we believe we have a duty to our children, their parents or carers and our staff to act quickly and responsibly should any concerns arise.

Safeguarding is an umbrella term for what we do in order to ensure children are safe from harm, and it applies to both home and nursery life.
It means the protection of children from abuse and maltreatment, including the recruitment of suitable people, child protection, medication, accidents, illness and emergencies, suitability of the premises and equipment, as well as health and safety.

Overseeing all of this here at Juice are our 3 fully trained, Designated Safeguarding Officers, who are available to support our staff and liaise with other agencies as necessary and have responsibility for overseeing our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies and Procedures here at Juice.

If you have any concerns about a child please speak to one of our DSO’s or contact the Trafford Children’s First Response team.