
What’s going on… news, events and updates!

Want to know more about what’s going on in and around Juice Nursery? Well, in addition to being able to read about all the latest news, events and updates here on our lovely new website, don’t forget that we also have our very own Juice Nursery Blog site, where you will find lots more information on what the children get up, as well as information on the stages of their learning and development and how this links in to what we do and why we do it!

From Preschool’s weekly Blog, written by Kate our Teacher, to practitioners in the Pink & Purple Room starting a new theme, covering a range questions often on parent’s lips …. “I was just wondering, is it normal that my child…?”, to more general Blogs covering various aspects of nursery life, we hope that you find our Blogs both interesting and informative!?

And, following that, we would love to hear any feedback that you might have on any of the posted Blogs, or indeed if you have any questions or ideas of topics or subject matter that you would like to see in future posts.

Thank you 🙂